Debt Management

Don't spend your life paying off debt and never reaching your goals. Our financial planning team will put together a debt management plan to get you debt free sooner.

Working toward being debt free with debt management.

Do you feel like you never make any headway on your money goals because you're always paying off a debt? Debt is easy to build up and hard to pay off - but it can be done!

Building Blocks Financial Planning are experts at putting together an effective but simple debt management plan, to get you debt free sooner. It doesn't mean living on next to nothing until you've paid off your debt - it's about having a smart plan for your money and putting it where it's most effective.

Request your free appointment

Remember, not all debt is bad.

Your home loan, for instance, is funding an asset that will rise in value over time. The Building Blocks Financial Planning team will focus on the bad debts you have accumulated like credit card debt, personal loans and even your car loan. Anything that doesn't benefit you over the long term, or you're paying more than you should be in repayments.

Not sure what to pay off first? We'll put together a strategy that's easy to follow and a priority list of the debts to pay off first.

Our plan of attack.

If you don't have a plan to pay off your debt, it's unlikely that you will. Our financial planning team at Building Blocks will work closely with you to develop a plan of attack.

  • Review:
    We'll sit down with you to review your current debts and income. It's important that we both understand where you're at. And don't worry - we've seen it all.
  • Consolidate and refinance:
    We start by looking at each of your debts to understand the rate you're paying. We'll then refer you to a mortgage broker to see if you could benefit from refinancing or debt consolidation to lower your interest rates. This may help us to clear the debt faster.
  • Look for spare cash in your budget:
    Our team then looks through your spending to see if we can find some spare cash. Perhaps you're paying too much or spending on things you don't use.
  • Crunch the numbers:
    We'll then crunch the numbers and come up with a plan to get you out of bad debt. Simple targets and realistic timelines for goals will help you stay on track.
  • Help you keep track:
    We will set you up with some tools and know-how so you know exactly where you stand with your finances! We will meet regularly to cheer you on and check we are reaching the goals we set for you.

Let’s build your financial future – together.

Book your free appointment with us to see if Building Blocks Financial Planning is the right team to support you and your financial goals.

This information has been provided as general advice. We have not considered your financial circumstances, needs or objectives. You should consider the appropriateness of the advice. You should obtain and consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and seek the assistance of an authorised financial adviser before making any decision regarding any products or strategies mentioned in this communication.